Menopause Symptoms And Six Simple Steps For Relief

By Randy Hough

Eventually over half of the world's population is going to experience menopause symptoms, so it isn't surprising that it attracts a great deal of attention!

Most people just hope things will 'go away" or "get better' without actually having to do much about it. That is just human nature. For a lot of people this seems to work out fairly well, but this is not the case for everyone, not at all.

For some women, the symptoms of menopause are a real problem and they suffer because of it. According to the Women To Women Clinic in Yarmouth, Maine and The College of Family Physicians of Canada, there are a number of simple things that can be done to help alleviate these symptoms.

1. Educate yourself. There is no better way to begin than by finding out the facts. Menopause is sometimes shrouded in myth and hearsay, so it is advisable to get an educated view of what is really going on. A great place to begin is by taking the free online profile offered by the Women To Women Clinic. This gives a good starting point.

2. Drink clear water, lots of clear water. Just as water washes your hair and body, it also cleanses your insides. The recommended amount of 12 cups of water a day seems like a lot at first, but once you get used to drinking that much, it just seems natural, which it is! I doubt that women drank Coca-Cola in any of the last 50 centuries! They just drank water, teas and juices. It is a good idea to get a water bottle and make it a part of your "stuff", so you can always have it with you. There are other benefits from drinking clear water as well, such as better digestion, clearer skin complexion, weight loss, etc.

3. Keep a cooler of ice water near your bed at night. Hot flashes are more common at night, and a drink of ice water can be just the thing to cool you down. Plus, you can pour some on a towel to daub your face and feel refreshed.

4. Take long walks, or hikes. It is unbelievable how a simple activity like walking can work so many wonders! Your blood gets circulated, your mood improves, your heart rate gets going, and you get a renewed perspective on things. Being out in nature is especially invigorating for the soul and spirit. It is the blood that brings nourishment and healing to our bodies, therefore it is so important to get your heart pumping a little more!

5. Learn about nutritional supplements that help with menopause. Most symptoms are the result of a hormonal imbalance, now that the ovaries have stopped making enough of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Once again, the Women To Women Clinic has developed a great program to help with supplements. It is specifically designed for helping with menopause and other women's health issues.

6. Don't be afraid to try new things! Sometimes we can be "stuck in the mud" in our thinking. We get so used to doing things in a particular manner that it can be difficult to try something new or different. A good example is flax seed, which has been clinically proven to help with hot flashes. A study conducted at the Mayo Clinic demonstrated a dramatic reduction in the severity and frequency of hot flashes in a large group or menopausal women. The full study is in the Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology. If something can help you, why not try it, especially if there is no risk involved?

These six simple steps to help with menopause symptoms are sure to give you some relief, and might even be fun (at least step 4!) Article Source: